Talking about a hospital stay

Free vector graphics of HospitalHave you ever had to talk about an experience connected to hospitals in English? Did you feel you lacked the vocabulary? That’s natural; it’s not everyday language.

Here is a suggestion:

Why don’t you try to practise now so that you are prepared next time? You could first use a dictionary to find the words you may need, and then, write the events down or alternatively, record yourself speaking. You can also pick up some words from the following text.

Here is an example that contains some language in context.

Free Ambulance Medical vector and picture


That morning, he had difficulty breathing. Also, he felt exhausted and his legs were swollen. When his wife noticed the symptoms, she didn’t hesitate at all and immediately called an ambulance to take him to hospital* (see note below). As soon as they got to A&E, he was offered a wheelchair and taken to the crowded waiting room. He had to wait patiently before a nurse triaged him. She determined that he needed to be seen by a doctor and undergo a thorough examination.



Hospital, Bed, Doctor, Surgery, Hospital


Soon after, he was taken to a cubible where they did some further tests which led to the conclusion that he had to be admitted to hospital




Free Nurse Patient illustration and pictureAn orderly transferred him to a room on the respiratory ward where a very kind nurse put in an IV. After a number of days of observation and medical tests, the initial diagnosis was confirmed. The oral and intravenous medication given to him had reduced the symptoms, so he was ready to be discharged from hospital.



The medical staff gave him the hospital discharge clinical report. This included his treatment with the recommendation of follow-up visits to his GP.

Corazón, Amor, Bosquejo, Líneas, Romance

* Note:
In American English, the article "the" would be needed here: 
take him to the hospital. 



Cerebro, Motivación, Actividad Mental

So, now, it’s your turn to talk or write about a hospital experience.

You can do this alone or book a session with me.

Reading helps you learn vocabulary but if you go on to using it, you will increase your chances of remembering it in the long term.

Keep learning, keep growing! 🙂